Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ready, Set, and ...

Someone, push the big green button!

We have arrived to the new school year. There are a lot of things to get done, and to get communicated. Once again, the WHS Performing Arts Technicians blog site will be a source of information, and now that I don't have to blog for graduate school assignments, I should be better at keeping this site updated.

Of things of note:

1) The Little Theater renovation. If you read the previous post, you are aware that we have new equipment in the Little Theater. While the schedule didn't hold as true as I had written, we are good to go as of this morning. New curtains, curtain tracks, battens, and two mechanized rollers for a cyc (permanent) and painted drops (we'll have to add those) are now at our disposal. For the first time in many years, we have two well-equipped and functioning theaters.

2) Set construction for Leading Ladies. Our first show opens on September 20th, with previews on September 19th. Rehearsals are under way, and our first Set Saturday is this weekend. The schedule looks like this

  • Saturday, Aug. 25th: Set Saturday #1, 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
  • Saturday, Sep. 1st: Set Saturday #2, 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
  • Saturday, Sep. 8th: Set Saturday #3, 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
  • Saturday, Sep. 15th: Set Saturday #4, 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
  • (There will be a more detailed schedule for the crew posted later this week.)

These are open to all cast, crew, and anyone who wishes to get some set construction and painting experience under their belt. 9th graders are especially encouraged to attend as you will get a chance to learn the ropes of the WHS theater while actively participating. Come and go as you need, but either bring a lunch or some lunch money (as in the fast-food variety).

3) Technical Theater Clinics. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, September 4th-6th, 3:00 - 4:30 PM in the Little Theater. I'll post more about these next week, but make some time in your schedule to attend the three-day tech theater clinic/info session that we do at the beginning of every year. 9th graders should make a point to attend - techies who were active last year should also make a point of attending as we go through the procedures and learn how to use the new Little Theater Equipment. Safety, facility tours, procedures, Genie lift training and meet and greet the other directors will be part of these three days. Calendars will also be handed out, and information regarding crew sign-up for the musical will also happen.

4) Assemblies. This term, we have two: Homecoming on September 24th and 25th, and ITED (or Iowa Tests) Recognition Assembly on October 10th and 11th. The second assembly is a new addition - we used to do it in January; last year we didn't do the assembly because of the change of test dates, and now we do it in October. We'll discuss that in more detail at the Technical Theater Clinics as well.

There's much more to this trimester than what I have here, but I should probably leave a few things for future posts. Look for some additional tech theater info as well, such as lighting, sound, tools, and cool web things that are tech theater related. (OK, some won't have anything to do with tech theater, but they will be very cool.) Stay connected with tech theater at this site.

Techies rule!