Thursday, September 29, 2011

Finally, Seymour!

Hey! We've done it! We've arrived at the big moment. Today portions of the play will be previewed for the Language Arts classes, and tonight is the opener! 6:00 call for cast and crew, house opens at 7:00 and the curtain goes up at 7:30.

Come out and see WHS's production of Little Shop of Horrors Thursday 9/29 - Saturday 10/1 at 7:30 PM in the WHS Little Theater. Admission prices are $8.00 for adults, $5.00 for students w/o activity tickets and senior citizens, and $3.00 for WHS Students w/ an activity ticket.

Below is a look at the final set. While we didn't get every single thing that we had planned on the set, what we did get there looks great! Thanks to everyone who pitched in and put time in on what was a deceptively complicated set. (Someone should really speak to the designer.)

Image Credit: Lammers, B (9/29/2011)WHS Set for Little Shop of Horros

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week of September 19th: Suddenly, Seymour?

Suddenly, indeed Seymour. It's Tech Week. Remember when this seemed, like, 12 weeks away? Suddenly, it's here. And suddenly, we have a lot of work facing us. Like a certain man-eating plant that we've suddenly been confronted with.

Thanks to the four who came in on Saturday. (Yes, only four, but a good four to have come in and help.) With the band in Johnston and the Homecoming Dance that evening, we knew that there would be few coming in. In all honestly, we were hoping for more to come in. We are now behind on where we need to be for the set. That said, we'll need help when and where we can get it.

Check out the schedule please. Times are critical, and we have a lot to get done.

Tuesday, 9/20: 3:00 - 6:30 - Tech Act One. We will focus primarily on props and light cues.
Wednesday, 9/21: 3:00 - 6:30 - Tech Act Two. Same focus for this rehearsal
Thursday, 9/23: Crew call 6:00, rehearsal 7:00 - 10:00 - Run the show with pit and sound. We'll build upon what we did on Tuesday and Wednesday
Friday, 9/24: 3:00 - 6:30 - Run the show, fixing cues as we go along.
Saturday, 9/25: 9:30 - 5:30 - Set work. I know the band will be competing, and best of luck to you in the band. Those of you who aren't, get in here and bring a friend. We will have a lot of detailing to do on the set.

This is a big week, a busy week, and we need a good push from everyone. If we add any work times, they will be giving over the daily announcements. See you then!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

There Will Be Walls: Week of September 4th, 2011

We're off to a very solid start, both figuratively and literally.

The figurative: 25 people came in during Set Saturday #1 - a tremendous showing! All of the directors are deliriously happy with the intrest that this show is getting from a technical stand point. Keep up the good work!

The literal: We completed the large goal of the day - building the solid deck support needed for the plant shop set. We built 7 individual stock size platforms and 2 custom platforms, attached legs, and connected them together, and then sheathed them with the flooring material to create the base section. We also started on the steps and the escapes, which was a bonus. Woot!

Take a look at this comparison of the design and a photo of the actual deck:

We'll add updates as we get them.

The Week Ahead:

Saturday, September 10th: Set Saturday #2: "There Will Be Walls." We'll use the same schedule as we did last week - start at 9:30 and end around 5:30. We'll have some things to paint later in the day, and we'll be setting up the walls of the plant shop. We'll also be building windows for the fire escapes, doors for the plant shops, and if we have the sort of crew next week that we had this week, we'll build the fire escapes as well. Aside from the Little Shop set, we'll also be preparing lights for the Homecoming Assembly. LOTS to do.

NOTE: Don't forget to sign up for the Homecoming Assembly duties: Set up is 2nd and 3rd hour Monday, strike is 4th - 7th on Tuesday.

Thanks for a great start to our busy drama season!