Friday, May 27, 2011

CREW CALL: Little Shop of Horrors (September 22-24, 2011)

Crew sign-up sheets are now available outside of the Auditorium. If you are interested in being part of the actual production crew (the crew who runs the performances) or the stage manager, make sure you complete a form and submit it in the mail slot on the concession stand door. I need these by Wednesday, June 1st. I'll have a crew list by Thursday, June 2nd, and we'll have a brief production meeting after the 7th hour final on Thursday.

The set for Little Shop of Horrors (LSOH) will be a bit more complicated than our past September shows. There are two main settings - an exterior setting for Skid Row, and the interior of Mushnik's Flower Shop - with a few other single-scene settings that need to be interpreted. This is what Skid Row will look like:

Set rendering: "Skid Row" for WHS's production of Little Shop of Horrors.
 The center part of the set will be on a revolve. You'll note that we also have working doors to condend with. When we see Mushkin's Flower Shop, the center will revolve to look like so:

Set rendering: "Musckin's Flower Shop for WHS's production of Little Shop of Horrors.
 These designs are preliminary drafts of the design, and will likely change over the summer. Check this blog regularly for updates to the design.

Set work will begin on August 8th. We are well aware of the music camps that will be taking place during that time, so we know that you'll be occupied at various times during the weeks leading up to the first day of school. A more detailed work schedule will also appear on this blog site, so check regularly after the first of August.

Remember, the crew sign-up forms are due Wednesday, June 1st!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Looking forward to a great theater season next year!!
